Bonus Pack
Tags: Glossary
An additional product or service offered with a primary product as an incentive for purchase.
What does Bonus Pack mean?
A bonus pack in shipping refers to an additional quantity of goods that is included in a shipment at no extra charge. Bonus packs are often used as a promotional tool by manufacturers or retailers to incentivize customers to purchase their products.
For example, a manufacturer may offer a bonus pack of a product with an additional quantity or size of the product, or an additional product altogether, at no extra cost to the customer. Alternatively, a retailer may offer a bonus pack as a way to increase sales or move inventory.
Bonus packs can be beneficial for both the customer and the seller. For the customer, it provides additional value for their purchase and may encourage them to make a purchase they otherwise wouldn’t have. For the seller, it can help increase sales and improve customer loyalty.
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