
Notice of Arrival

Tags: Glossary

A pre-arrival notification vital for efficient and secure maritime logistics.

Understanding a Notice of Arrival

A Notice of Arrival (NOA) is a crucial document within the realm of logistics and maritime operations. It serves as a formal notification provided by a vessel’s captain or its agent to the relevant authorities and port facilities, indicating the impending arrival of a ship at a specific port or berth.  

The primary purpose of this notice is to ensure smooth and well-coordinated port operations, enhance security measures, and facilitate compliance with customs and immigration procedures. 


NOA Submission 


Typically, the NOA must be submitted well in advance of a vessel’s arrival, often 24 to 96 hours before docking, depending on local regulations and the nature of the cargo. This lead time allows port authorities to prepare for the ship’s arrival adequately. The Notice of Arrival contains comprehensive information about the vessel, its crew, passengers (if applicable), and the cargo on board. This data includes the vessel’s name, registration details, expected arrival time, the purpose of the visit, last port of call, and next destination, among other details. 

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